SACRAMENTO (August 5, 2024) – Assemblymember Diane Dixon (R-Newport Beach) provided the following statement on the rental hikes for the equestrian center at the O.C. Fairgrounds:

“I have had serious concerns about the abrupt process to increase fees more than 50 percent at the Orange County Fairgrounds – without clear justification for the increase. This process has been unnecessarily contentious.

We all should have a goal ensuring broad public access to equestrian, livestock and agriculture opportunities on land within State Agricultural Districts. It seems there should also be a way to identify an equitable solution to structure fees that allows local small business owners to continue to offer desired services and meet the needs of the OC Fairgrounds. With proper planning, the fees should be able to be increased gradually on an annual basis.

I hope all parties can take the time to meet, negotiate a balanced agreement and stop actions that penalize defenseless animals. These tactics are alarming.”

To read more about the Assemblymember’s actions regarding these fees, you can read letters she has sent the Orange County Fair and Event Center (OCFEC) here and here.